MAC calculation - DIBS Technical Documentation DIBS provides ways for securing the information transfer, that is strongly recommended to use. This is the DIBS MAC feature. The MAC feature is enabled by ...
HMAC Calculation - DIBS Technical Documentation The MAC is calculated using the HMAC algorithm with SHA-256. The HMAC ... The HMAC calculation is done using the secret key found in the DIBS Admin.
MAC calculation methods - IBM Four variations of DES-based message authentication can be used by the MAC Generate and MAC Verify verbs.
PCalc for Mac brings advanced calculation to its widget in version ... 3 Mar 2015 ... PCalc for Mac has been updated to version 4.2, expanding the utility of the app's Notification Center widget by adding an advanced layout.
Mac Gems: Calcbot syncs your calculation history between Mac and ... 25 Nov 2014 ... You tap out a calculation with the iPhone version, then sync the result over to Calcbot for your Mac.